
a new webui for chia

Posted by on May 21, 2021 · 1 min read

After discovering a new cryptocurrency last month, I quickly deployed the command-line only Docker image to my Unraid server. However, while that functioned, its shortcomings were many:

  • Without a GUI, running plotting jobs in parallel relied upon many open Console windows, tmux sessions.
  • Keeping up-to-date with status, meant manually trolling through various log files.
  • Assessing performance was a challenge given the limited insight into the farming and plotting processes.

Looking around, there were useful tools to improve this, however each required installation and configuration themselves, which took time. I decided to build my own Docker image with these tools, available to other Unraid users.

  • Chia™: the distributed cryptocurrency project.
  • Plotman: a parallel plotting manager.
  • Chiadog: a log monitor with alerting.

Building upon the Flask web-server for Python, I tied all these tools together in an easy-to-use package:

As my day-job is exlusively devops backend, it’s fun to dabble in front-end coding again. Not sure where this project will go, but I’ve submitted Machinaris to the Unraid repository. As well, some interest has been generated on the Github project.

More in this series…