Pipelines on Kubeflow

samples deployment

Posted by on December 13, 2020 · 3 mins read

Each time I come back to Kubeflow, I perform a fresh install to get the latest. Often, I find the default install path errors out, so I go looking for a workaround. Here’s the latest as of early December 2020 for Ubuntu 20.04 running on a local server:

sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=latest/edge
KUBEFLOW_DEBUG=true microk8s enable kubeflow
microk8s juju config dex-auth static-password=<NEW_PASSWORD>
microk8s.kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow service/istio-ingressgateway 8081:80 --address

While the Kubeflow dashboard forwarding is now working this month, unfortunately a new bug means you need to set a new password after enabling kubeflow before logging in as shown:

To get to the dashboard:

Development Setup

Using the sample Kubeflow pipelines, I set up a local development environment on an old Windows 10 laptop. First, I installed Anaconda, then setup an isolated Python env within a Gitbash shell in VS Code, after enabling Gitbash to read .bash_profile:

conda init bash
conda create --name mlpipeline python=3.7
conda activate mlpipeline
pip3 install kfp --upgrade

Compiling a ML Pipeline

Executed the following to complile the [sample Kubeflow pipeline]:

git clone git@github.com:kubeflow/pipelines.git
cd pipelines
export DIR=./samples/core/sequential
dsl-compile --py ${DIR}/sequential.py --output ${DIR}/sequential.tar.gz

The compiled pipeline is then ready for upload to the Kubeflow cluster: ./samples/core/sequential/sequential.tar.gz

Deploying the Pipeline

After upload, the pipeline is shown both as a Graph and YAML:

Running the Pipeline

Clicking Create Run button allows for execution of the pipeline on the Kubeflow cluster.

Output is shown soon after for a sample pipeline such as this:

While this upload process worked alright, I did prefer the Jupyter notebook interactive approach for quickly trying out new ML code.


While I’ve had some trouble getting a consistent working on-prem install of Kubeflow, once up and running it does seem to be worthwhile platform for ML deployments. Beyond my lab experiments however, I’d probably recommend running it on a managed Kubernetes cluster such as GKE, AKS, or EKS in production.

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