Lane Detection on AKS

deploying to azure

Posted by on December 17, 2017 · 6 mins read

Similar to my last post on deploying to Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform, this post will cover deploying lane detection to Kubernetes on Microsoft’s Azure.

Create a Cluster

First, I created an account with Microsoft Azure and installed the Azure CLI on my Ubuntu laptop. Then, after logging in to az, tried to create a Kubernetes cluster:

az aks create –g guy-azure -n lane-detect

Bang! First error, not clear… After checking the CLI help, the command seemed fine. Perhaps Microsoft only likes CamelCase?

Nope, turned out I needed a ResourceGroup in an allowed Location first…

Trying to create the cluster again failed with another error.

az aks create -g guy-azure -n lane-detect --kubernetes-version 1.8.1


After digging around on the Microsoft Azure web console for a while, I find that despite being a full administrator, I have to register for multiple different services…

After adding Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.Storage, Microsoft.Network, I tried again. Same error. Using this debug command I found that Microsoft.Network was still in-process of registering:

az provider list --query "[].{Provider:namespace, Status:registrationState}" --out table

Once I finally got the permissions I needed, I tried to create the cluster again. This time success!

Then, I used aks to get the kubectl configuration to check the connection to AKS:

az aks get-credentials -g guy-azure -n lane-detect --file k8s/azure/kubectl.config
kubectl --kubeconfig=k8s/azure/kubectl.config cluster-info

Creating Persistent Storage

After creating an Azure Storage Resource, I used Azure File Share to share the source footage and processed videos within the cluster. I could script the creation of the Azure file share using the AZ CLI: so I guess I’ll wait.

current_env_conn_string=$(az storage account show-connection-string -n guydavisazure -g guy-azure --query 'connectionString' -o tsv)
az storage share create --name myazurefiles --quota 200 --connection-string $current_env_conn_string 

Then, via the Azure console, I found the storage account name and access key, then base64 encoded them for the k8s secret. Also created a k8s PV and PVC:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azure-secret
type: Opaque
  azurestorageaccountname: $base64_user
  azurestorageaccountkey: $base64_password
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: myazurevolume
    storage: 200Gi
  - ReadWriteMany
    secretName: azure-secret
    shareName: myazurefiles
    readOnly: false
    namespace: default
    name: myazureclaim
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: myazureclaim
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 200Gi

Kubernetes pods could then mount this shared storage as ReadWriteMany with this YML snippet:

        - name: myazureshare
          mountPath: /mnt
      - name: myazureshare
          claimName: myazureclaim

Transferring Video Data

I uploading the original dashcam footage, via my browser, in Azure Console. An alternative would be to launch an Nginx or other container in k8s wih mounted volume and then used kubectl cp. Unfortunately, you can’t mount an Azure File Share via SMB from a Linux system outside Azure, like my laptop.

Creating Kubernetes Jobs

The batch job to process the dashcam footage:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: lane-detect
  parallelism: 3
      name: lane-detect
      - name: lane-detect
        image: guydavis/lane-detect
        workingDir: /mnt
        command: [ "/usr/bin/python3", "-u", "/opt/" ]
        args: [ "videos/" ]
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - name: myazureshare
          mountPath: /mnt
      restartPolicy: Never
      - name: myazureshare
          claimName: myazureclaim

The lane detection jobs ran first time to completion, rendering processed video as expected.

Viewing the output footage in the Azure console:

And finally, here’s a short example of processed dashcam footage:


Microsoft has come along way with Azure to compete with Amazon and Google, however I’m not sure they offer the best managed Kubernetes cluster:

  • The k8s setup process on Azure seemed much longer than GCP, particularly completing pre-requisites, creating the k8s cluster, provisioning storage, and uploading dashcam footage.
  • Once I figured out the Azure File Share approach, it did have the benefit of offering ReadWriteMany shares amongst the cluster. Google’s GCE disks are only ReadWriteOnce, requiring the deployment on a NFS share to get ReadWriteMany.

Overall, I’m pretty sold on the benefits of Kubernetes over other orchestrators such as DC/OS or Docker Swarm. As well, I think managed Kubernetes services are the way to go over an on-premises deployment if you’re allowed for your project. Currently, GCP is my favorite managed k8s service.

Next Steps

Having given the managed Kubernetes services at both Google and Microsoft I spin, I hope to try Amazon’s offering next. Unfortunately, AKS is currently only in preview…

More in this series…